About me

Hi, my name is Natalie. Welcome to โ€˜Mammaโ€™s Time Out!โ€™ Wife, mom, woman in sales, world traveler and wine enthusiast, Iโ€™m excited to introduce you to my life, which all centers around my family.

I am a wife to my amazing husband, David, and mom to our little boy, Samuel Gianni and daughter Lucca Lazzara. We have chosen to raise our children with our blended backgrounds - honoring and celebrating my Catholic/Italian heritage right alongside of Davidโ€™s Jewish/Eastern European identity. This means baptisms and baby namings, Hanukkah and Christmas parties, and eating Matzo on Passover around the same time weโ€™re searching for Easter eggs in the backyard (note: chocolate is far more delicious than bland crackers). Navigating our two worlds and bringing it all together to ensure our son is truly a blend of our individual identities is a big part of my life and one Iโ€™ll share with all of you.

Prior to getting married or having a family I was passionate about traveling. I traveled almost weekly for work and was also able to find time to throw in some fun trips with friends and family. Traveling is a huge passion and itโ€™s been amazing to have this with me through all chapters of my life and now having my husband and son travel along with me. I have been to 48 states and 14 countries within 5 continents and with all that experience I have taken notes and what to do and what not to do when traveling alone or with a group. Hopefully youโ€™ll find something I have to say helpful or at least entertaining : )

I am also a full-time working mom and wife and affectionaly known as the CHO to my husband, Chief Home Officer. I love decorating, cooking and hosting parties as often as we can find time to do so.

โ€˜Mammaโ€™s Time Outโ€™ started one evening after a long day of work when I finally found myself at home and fully present with our sweet baby boy. He was having a tough night (can you relate?) and I felt myself getting so frustrated. Instead of getting angry I told him โ€œMamma needs a timeout.โ€ I went and sat at our kitchen table for a few minutes to journal while I put his favorite toys in front of him to play. After a few minutes I felt relieved and was ready to jump back into mom life. After that moment I realized that everyone needs a timeout (especially moms), and timeouts can come in many forms - going on vacation, cooking a favorite meal, decorating your favorite room in the house, or just sitting by yourself for a few minutes to catch your breath.

This blog is all about the time outs that help keep me sane and moving forward amidst all the stress and chaos that is motherhood, wifehood, full-time employment and everything else the world has to throw at me. Come take a time out with me and discover the time outs you may need in your own life.

"In truth, a family is what you make it. It is made strong, not by number of heads counted at the dinner table, but by the rituals you help family members create, by the memories you share, by the commitment of time, caring, and love..."

- Marge Kennedy

"Travel isn't always pretty. It isn't always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that's okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind."

- Anthony Bourdain